Send value in URL

 If you want to pass the selected rank value in the URL when it changes, you can modify the `updateLevelOptions` function to update the URL with the selected rank. Here's an updated version of the JavaScript code in your HTML file:



function updateLevelOptions() {

  var rankDropdown = document.getElementById("rank");

  var levelDropdown = document.getElementById("level");

  var selectedRank = rankDropdown.value;

  // Clear existing options

  levelDropdown.innerHTML = "";

  // Update the URL with the selected rank

  window.history.pushState(null, null, "?rank=" + selectedRank);

  if (selectedRank !== "unranked") {

    // Fetch levels from the server based on the selected rank

    fetch('get_levels.php?rank=' + selectedRank)

      .then(response => response.json())

      .then(levels => {

        populateDropdown(levelDropdown, levels);


      .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching levels:', error));

  } else {

    // If Unranked is selected, show only "Unranked"

    var unrankedOptions = ["Unranked"];

    populateDropdown(levelDropdown, unrankedOptions);



function populateDropdown(dropdown, options) {

  for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {

    var option = document.createElement("option");

    option.text = options[i];

    option.value = options[i];




// Function to retrieve the rank from the URL and pre-select it

function preselectRankFromURL() {

  var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;

  var rank = urlParams.get('rank');

  if (rank) {

    var rankDropdown = document.getElementById("rank");

    rankDropdown.value = rank;

    updateLevelOptions(); // Trigger update based on the pre-selected rank



// Call the function on page load to handle pre-selection from the URL

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", preselectRankFromURL);



This modification uses `window.history.pushState` to update the URL with the selected rank without triggering a page reload. Additionally, a new function `preselectRankFromURL` is added to handle pre-selecting the rank from the URL parameters when the page loads. This way, if the URL contains a `rank` parameter, the corresponding rank will be selected, and the levels will be updated accordingly.

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