Inner joint

 To display products from the "product" table based on their position in the "product image" table, you can use SQL queries to fetch the data and then use PHP to display it. Here's a high-level approach:

1. SQL Query:

   You'll need to write a SQL query that joins the "product" and "product image" tables based on the "position" column. Assuming you have a common column to join the tables (e.g., "product_id"), you can use a query like this:


SELECT product.*

FROM product

INNER JOIN product_image ON product.product_id = product_image.product_id

WHERE product_image.position = 'desired_position';


Replace "product_id" and "desired_position" with your actual column names and the desired position you want to filter by.

2. PHP Code:

   After executing the SQL query, you can use PHP to fetch and display the product data. Here's a simplified example:



// Connect to your database (replace with your connection code)

$connection = mysqli_connect("your_host", "your_username", "your_password", "your_database");

// Check connection

if (!$connection) {

    die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());


// Execute the SQL query

$desired_position = "your_desired_position";

$sql = "SELECT product.*

        FROM product

        INNER JOIN product_image ON product.product_id = product_image.product_id

        WHERE product_image.position = '$desired_position'";

$result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql);

// Check if there are results

if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {

    // Loop through the results and display product information

    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {

        echo "Product ID: " . $row["product_id"] . "<br>";

        echo "Product Name: " . $row["product_name"] . "<br>";

        // Add more product details as needed

        echo "<hr>";


} else {

    echo "No products found for the desired position.";


// Close the database connection




Make sure to replace the database connection details and column names with your actual information.

This code will fetch and display product information from the "product" table based on the desired position in the "product image" table. You can customize the displayed information as per your requirements.

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