Write a c program of Tic Tac Toe | source code of Tic Tac Toe

 * Tic-Tac-Toe in ANSI C.
 * The Tic-Tac-Toe game, is a fun and easy to demonstrate the techniques and array data structures you learned about this chapter
 * Moreover, the tic-tac-toe game uses techniques and programming data structures that you learned in previous chapters, such as
 * function prototypes, definitions, system calls, and global variables.

#include <stdio.h>

//function prototypes
void displayBoard();
int verifySelection(int,int);
void checkForWin();

//global variables
char board[ 8 ], whoWon = ' ';

int currentPlayer = 0;

//begin main function
int main() {

    int i, square;    

    for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) board[ i ] = ' ';


    while(whoWon == ' ') {

       printf("\n%c\n", whoWon);

       if(currentPlayer == 0 || currentPlayer == 1) {

          printf("\nPlayer X\n");    
          printf("Enter an available square (1..9)");
          scanf("%d", &square);   

          if(verifySelection(square, currentPlayer) == 1)  {
             currentPlayer = 1;
          } else {

             currentPlayer = 2;

       } else {

          printf("\nPlayer 0\n");
          printf("Enter an available square (1..9)");
          scanf("%d", &square);   

          if(verifySelection(square, currentPlayer) == 1)  {
             currentPlayer = 2;
          } else {

             currentPlayer = 1;



    }//end for loop

   return (0);

void displayBoard() {

     printf("%c\t|%c\t|%c\n", board[0], board[1], board[2]);
     printf("%c\t|%c\t|%c\n", board[3], board[4], board[5]);
     printf("%c\t|%c\t|%c\n", board[6], board[7], board[8]);

int verifySelection(int square, int player) {

     if((player == 0 || player == 1) && board[square-1] == ' ') {

         board[ square - 1 ] = 'X';

         return 0;

     else if(board[square-1] == ' ' && player == 2) {

          board[square-1] = 'O';

          return 0;

     } else 

       return 1;  

void checkForWin() {

     int i, 
         contor = 0;
     if(board[ 0 ] == 'X' && board[ 1 ] == 'X' && board[ 2 ] == 'X') {

        whoWon = 'X';

     } else if(board[ 3 ] == 'X' && board[ 4 ] == 'X' && board[ 5 ] == 'X') {

        whoWon = 'X';

     } else if(board[ 6 ] == 'X' && board[ 7 ] == 'X' && board[ 8 ] == 'X') {

        whoWon = 'X';

     } else if(board[ 0 ] == 'X' && board[ 3 ] == 'X' && board[ 6 ] == 'X') {

        whoWon = 'X';

     } else if(board[ 1 ] == 'X' && board[ 4 ] == 'X' && board[ 7 ] == 'X') {

        whoWon = 'X';

     } else if(board[ 2 ] == 'X' && board[ 5 ] == 'X' && board[ 8 ] == 'X') {

        whoWon = 'X';

     } else 

     if(board[ 0 ] == 'O' && board[ 1 ] == 'O' && board[ 2 ] == 'O') {

        whoWon = 'O';

     } else if(board[ 3 ] == 'O' && board[ 4 ] == 'O' && board[ 5 ] == 'O') {

        whoWon = 'O';

     } else if(board[ 6 ] == 'O' && board[ 7 ] == 'O' && board[ 8 ] == 'O') {

        whoWon = 'O';

     } else if(board[ 0 ] == 'O' && board[ 3 ] == 'O' && board[ 6 ] == 'O') {

        whoWon = 'O';

     } else if(board[ 1 ] == 'O' && board[ 4 ] == 'O' && board[ 7 ] == 'O') {

        whoWon = 'O';

     } else if(board[ 2 ] == 'O' && board[ 5 ] == 'O' && board[ 8 ] == 'O') {

        whoWon = 'O';


     //for diagonals
     if(board[ 0 ] == 'X' && board[ 4 ] == 'X' && board[ 8 ] == 'X') {

        whoWon = 'X';

     } else if(board[ 2 ] == 'X' && board[ 4 ] == 'X' && board[ 6 ] == 'X') {

        whoWon = 'X';

     if(board[ 0 ] == 'O' && board[ 4 ] == 'O' && board[ 8 ] == 'O') {

        whoWon = 'O';

     } else if(board[ 2 ] == 'O' && board[ 4 ] == 'O' && board[ 6 ] == 'O') {

        whoWon = 'O';

     if(whoWon == 'X') {

        printf("\nX WON\n");

     if(whoWon == 'O') {

        printf("\nO WON\n");

     for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) 
         if(board[i] != ' ') 
     if(contor == 9) {

        whoWon = 'C';
        printf("\nCAT GAME\n");

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