To share files between a smartphone and a Linux computer, you can use a Python library called "pyftpclient". This library allows you to set up an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server on your Linux computer, and then use an FTP client app on your smartphone to connect to the server and download or upload files.
Here is an example of how you could use the pyftpclient library to set up an FTP server on your Linux computer and allow a smartphone to connect and download a file:
// This is a code sample
# Install the pyftpclient library
!pip install pyftpclient
# Import the necessary modules
from pyftpclient import FtpClient
# Create an FTP server on port 21
server = FtpClient(port=21)
# Start the server
# Connect to the server from your smartphone using an FTP client app
# (use the IP address of your Linux computer as the server address)
# Once connected, you can use the FTP client app to browse the files on your Linux computer
# and download any that you want to transfer to your smartphone
# When you are finished, stop the server