If you want to show the most viewed products by a single user without storing views in a database, you can achieve this by tracking views using session variables in PHP. Here's a simplified example:
1. **PHP Session Setup**: Ensure that you have session support enabled in your PHP configuration. You can start a session at the beginning of your PHP script using `session_start()`.
2. **Track Product Views**:
- When a user views a product page, you can store the viewed product IDs in a session variable.
- If the session variable doesn't exist, create it as an array. If it already exists, append the product ID to the array.
3. **Count Product Views**:
- After tracking views for a user session, you can count the frequency of each product ID in the session array to determine the most viewed products.
Here's a simplified example in PHP:
// Start or resume the session
// Function to track product views
function trackProductView($productId) {
// Check if the session variable 'viewed_products' exists
if (!isset($_SESSION['viewed_products'])) {
// If it doesn't exist, create it as an empty array
$_SESSION['viewed_products'] = [];
// Append the product ID to the viewed products array
$_SESSION['viewed_products'][] = $productId;
// Sample product IDs (you can replace these with your actual product IDs)
$productId1 = 1;
$productId2 = 2;
$productId3 = 3;
// Simulate product views (call this function when a user views a product page)
// Count the frequency of each product ID in the viewed products array
$viewedProductCounts = array_count_values($_SESSION['viewed_products']);
// Sort products by view count in descending order
// Display the most viewed products
echo "Most Viewed Products:<br>";
foreach ($viewedProductCounts as $productId => $count) {
echo "Product $productId - Views: $count<br>";
// Clear the viewed products session data (optional)
In this example:
- We start or resume the PHP session using `session_start()`.
- The `trackProductView` function tracks product views by appending the product ID to the session array `'viewed_products'`.
- We simulate product views using sample product IDs.
- We count the frequency of each product ID using `array_count_values` and sort them in descending order to determine the most viewed products.
Keep in mind that this example stores views for the current session, so if a user closes their browser or session expires, the views will be lost. For a more persistent solution, consider storing views in a database.