Wishlist part 2

 To add a product to a user's wishlist when they click a "Wishlist" button and store it in a database, you can use JavaScript to make an AJAX request to a PHP script that handles the database interaction. Here's a basic example:

**HTML for the Wishlist Button:**


<!-- Add this button to your product page -->

<button id="wishlistButton" onclick="addToWishlist(123)">Add to Wishlist</button>


In this example, `123` is the product ID. Replace it with the actual product ID you want to add to the user's wishlist.

**JavaScript for Adding to Wishlist:**



function addToWishlist(product_id) {

    // Check if the user is logged in (you might use a PHP session or other method)

    var userLoggedIn = true; // Replace with your login check

    if (userLoggedIn) {

        // User is logged in, proceed to add the product to the wishlist


            type: "POST",

            url: "add_to_wishlist.php", // Replace with the actual URL of your PHP script

            data: { product_id: product_id },

            success: function(response) {

                if (response === "success") {

                    alert("Product added to your wishlist.");

                } else {

                    alert("Error adding the product to your wishlist.");




    } else {

        // User is not logged in, handle this case (e.g., show a login popup)





In the above code, we use jQuery for making the AJAX request. Make sure you include jQuery in your HTML file for this to work.

**PHP for Adding to Wishlist (`add_to_wishlist.php`):**



// Check if the user is logged in (you might use a session or other method)

$userLoggedIn = true; // Replace with your login check

if ($userLoggedIn) {

    // Get the product_id from the AJAX request

    $product_id = $_POST['product_id'];

    // Add the product to the wishlist in the database

    // Implement this part using an SQL INSERT statement

    // Check if the product was successfully added to the wishlist

    if (/* Insert success condition here */) {

        echo "success";

    } else {

        echo "error";


} else {

    echo "login_required"; // You can handle this case on the client-side




In the `add_to_wishlist.php` script, replace the placeholder comments with your actual database interaction code, including the SQL `INSERT` statement to add the product to the user's wishlist. The script returns either "success" or "error" to the JavaScript function, and you can show appropriate messages to the user.

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