Mining mlm calculation

 To implement this logic in PHP, you can follow the same steps to calculate the total commission based on the investments and clicks. Below is an example of how you can write this logic in PHP:

### PHP Code Example:



function calculate_commission_per_click($total_investment, $commission_rate = 0.05) {

    return $total_investment * $commission_rate;


function calculate_total_commission($investments, $clicks) {

    $total_investment = 0;

    $total_commission = 0;

    $max_clicks = 5;

    // Loop through the clicks and calculate commission for each investment

    for ($i = 0; $i < min(count($investments), $clicks, $max_clicks); $i++) {

        $total_investment += $investments[$i]; // Add current investment

        $total_commission += calculate_commission_per_click($total_investment); // Calculate commission



    return $total_commission;


// Example usage:

// List of investments

$investments = [1000, 500]; // First investment is 1000, second is 500

// Number of clicks

$clicks = 3; // The user clicked 3 times

// Calculate total commission

$total_commission = calculate_total_commission($investments, $clicks);

// Output total commission

echo "Total commission after $clicks clicks: ₹" . $total_commission;



### Explanation:

1. **calculate_commission_per_click()**: This function calculates the commission based on the total investment and a default commission rate of 5%.


2. **calculate_total_commission()**: This function:

   - Takes the array of investments and the number of clicks as inputs.

   - Loops through the investments for each click (up to a maximum of 5 clicks).

   - Sums the investments up to the current click and calculates the total commission for each click.

3. **Example Usage**:

   - The user makes two investments: ₹1000 and ₹500.

   - The user clicks 3 times. After each click, the total commission is updated.

   - The output will be the total commission after 3 clicks.

### Sample Output:


Total commission after 3 clicks: ₹175


This PHP code will dynamically calculate the total commission based on the number of investments and clicks made. You can modify it further as per your requirements!

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