Serialzearray sun totalamt

 To achieve your goal of calculating the total based on multiple products, their quantities, and amounts using serialized array data, here’s how you can do it.

### HTML Structure:


<form id="productForm">

  <div class="product">

    <select class="product-select" name="product1">

      <option value="0">Select Product</option>

      <option value="100">Product A - $100</option>

      <option value="200">Product B - $200</option>

      <option value="300">Product C - $300</option>


    <input type="number" class="quantity" name="quantity1" placeholder="Quantity" value="0">



  <div class="product">

    <select class="product-select" name="product2">

      <option value="0">Select Product</option>

      <option value="100">Product A - $100</option>

      <option value="200">Product B - $200</option>

      <option value="300">Product C - $300</option>


    <input type="number" class="quantity" name="quantity2" placeholder="Quantity" value="0">


  <!-- Add more products as necessary -->

  <div>Total Amount: <span id="totalAmount">0</span></div>



### JavaScript/jQuery Code:


$(document).ready(function() {

  // Function to calculate total amount

  function calculateTotal() {

    // Serialize form data into an array

    var formData = $('#productForm').serializeArray();

    // Initialize total

    var total = 0;

    // Temporary storage for quantity and amount

    var productAmount = 0, quantity = 0;

    // Loop through the serialized array

    $.each(formData, function(i, field) {

      if ('product')) {

        // Capture the product amount

        productAmount = parseFloat(field.value) || 0;



      if ('quantity')) {

        // Capture the quantity for the corresponding product

        quantity = parseFloat(field.value) || 0;

        // Calculate product total (amount * quantity)

        total += productAmount * quantity;

        // Reset productAmount for next iteration

        productAmount = 0;



    // Update total amount display



  // Trigger total calculation on change in product or quantity fields

  $(document).on('change keyup', '.product-select, .quantity', function() {





### Explanation:

1. **Serialize the Form**: The `$('#productForm').serializeArray()` function serializes all form fields into an array of objects, which includes all products and their respective quantities.


2. **Loop Through Form Data**: The `$.each()` method iterates over each serialized form field:

   - It checks for `product` and `quantity` fields, captures their values, and calculates the total for each product (multiplying quantity by the product price).

   - The total is updated by adding each product's total to the overall total.

3. **Event Listeners**: The `change` and `keyup` events ensure the total is recalculated every time a product or quantity is updated.

With this approach, the total amount will dynamically update as users select products and adjust the quantities in your form.

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